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  • 275 US dollars
  • Montclair, NJ

Service Description

Delivered digitally within one week, no prints will be included in this price, but will be available for purchase this year! I always send you all “good” images, minus the bad shots. If you require additional detail editing, please get in touch with me. (Editing services are billed at the rate of $50/hour and I can typically edit 3-4 photos in one hour, I am happy to pro-rate that fee if you have fewer photos to edit. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have about this.) BRING PROPS! This isn't a requirement but it’s great when families bring along a blanket to sit on or even pillows, stools. . . get creative, I love it! Fine Print/Business stuff: -This is the first year that I am offering Spring mini shoots. I've been hearing from many of you for a few years now that you'd love to see these in the Spring, so let's try it! My biggest hesitation has been and still is the weather, as rain is certainly a factor in the Spring, so take note of the rain date, and if you need a refund due to not being able to move to the rain date (should we need it), please let me know. I chose slightly later Spring dates because I wanted to wait for the trees to burst into leaves (I am not a fan of naked trees) and for the BEST part of Spring, in my opinion: the dogwood trees! This is a little bit of a trial year, as I'm not sure how many of you will take me up on this, or how the weather factor will play in. -If I run out of appointment times, I will add another date. If I have enough people, I will make the arrangements and will alert the email list first. -Rain is my biggest enemy! If it becomes clear that it will definitely rain on our outdoor shoot date, I will contact everyone scheduled and will move the entire shoot to another day. Rain date is currently set for May 5th. -Refunds/rescheduling: If you need to cancel, I will refund your entire fee if another client fills your spot. If I cannot fill your appointment spot, I will retain $50. If I need to reschedule due to weather and you cannot come on the new date, I will refund your fee in full. I’m very flexible when working with scheduling changes, if you can't find a time to move your session, get in touch with me, please.



  • Montclair, NJ


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